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Incentives for Top Performers
Earn up to $5k+ per month
A 30-day Cookie Window
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Dedicated Affiliate Support
How do I apply for this programme?
All you’ve got to do is fill out the form and wait for your profile to be verified. If your profile meets our eligibility criteria, your account will be approved!
Do I have to pay to join this programme?
No, there is no payment involved for you to apply for The IREN Shizen Affiliate Programme.
Where can I see the details of orders placed using my code/link?
You can see and track all the metrics related to activities carried out by using your affiliate code/links through the reports section in your affiliate portal dashboard.
What if a customer returns or cancels the order?
Your commission will be calculated on every successful or completed order placed by your audience. If a customer's order is cancelled or returned, the commission earned for it would also be cancelled.
Can I use content from your site?
We may provide content for you in the Affiliate Centre and by request. You may not republish duplicate content from other areas of our website.
How much can I earn?
Performing publishers promoting IREN Shizen programme can earn up to $5k on monthly basis.
Can I apply to your Affiliate Programme from any country?
Yes, we welcome international affiliates that have audiences based in the US, Canada, Singapore, Europe and the UK.
Who do I contact if I need more information about the programme?
Any Queries or Need more details? Reach out to our affiliate team at below email address: